Free «Article Analysis» Essay Paper

Article Analysis

The chosen article is a segment of a financial analysis done to indicate the financial position of different companies. The article was prepared for explaining the financial status of different companies in the area of study. The article provides enlightenment to the investors on the best company to undertake investment. The government is able to identify the actual tax revenue that the companies pay and compare with the expected revenue to avoid any discrepancies.

The article provides competitors with knowledge on production techniques to adopt to overcome competition. The purpose of the article is to provide customers with necessary decision on where to purchase their products and services based on the performance of each company. The customers are also able to select the most affordable products based on the content of this article.

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The main users are the investors who decide on company to purchase shares. The government identifies if it is obtaining the right taxes. Shareholders examine if their company is performing well in relation to other companies. Customers choose the best commodities from the different companies. Financial institutions use the article to identify whether the companies will pay loans.

The article is quite from the typical academic writing and there is no direct expression of points. Typical academic writing ensures there is a flow of points starting from introduction, body, and conclusion. The three basic elements do not exist in this financial article. The article mixes up the points to bring about a better comparison of the companies.

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The article satisfies this chapter’s guidelines by ensuring a link is available to all the interest parties. The article is fully simplified to enable the users get required information. Just like any other article, this article also meets its objectives. The writer attracts the attention of readers by use of simple language that is easy to understand.

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