Free «The Story about Barrack Obama» Essay Paper

The Story about Barrack Obama

One of the world’s famous success stories that give the implication that hard work pays is the story about Barrack Obama. He moved from a senator’s position to become the 44th president of the United States and the first black president. The 47-year-old Obama became the president after having a long and serious presidential campaign, which took place for two years. His inauguration took place on January 20, 2009 and this marked the beginning of an era that was characterized by charismatic leadership that ensured that majority of people have faith in him. The same year, he was awarded with the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. He had previously held the position of the senator of Illinois for seven years from the year 2004. Amongst his achievements, he prides himself on having two best-selling books around the world. In 2005, 2007 and 2008, he was named by the Times Magazine to be one of the 100 most influential people around the world.

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There are numerous quality that Obama as a leader posses which has made him to be influential. It is clear that he has been able to break away from the generational implication that a minority person cannot make a good leadership. He has been able to woe more supporters not only in America but from all over the world. Some of the issues that are associated with Obama’s leadership is transparency where some of the people believe that all the things he does are told to the public. The other issue is the presence he has amongst the public, as he would always create an impact wherever he goes. His influential leadership has also been seen to be made through herd instinct, which is based on people following him so as not to be seen to be the odd one out. Therefore, he has been influential both politically and socially.

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