Free «Advertisement of the Administrative Assistant Position» Essay Paper

Advertisement of the Administrative Assistant Position

Job description

We are searching for a team-oriented person, who can fill the position of an administrative assistant which is a full-time job. Our company needs a person with self-motivation and desire for growing with the firm; who will work without supervision and is capable of providing office services that include implementing administrative systems in accordance to the organizational requirements. Moreover, the job includes ensuring that the customers are satisfied with the services and products offered. The person should have the capability of resolving conflicts and bringing people together where needed. The multitasking capacity is important because the person will be in a position he/she will handle work from multiple supervisors.

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The applicant should be able to allocate roles to various employees according to their departments. All people are welcomed to apply as long as they have the qualities for the position. We do not segregate in race, sex or disability we value every person despite their challenges. The person will be working alongside other supervisors and should fulfill all the tasks required. Commitment of the person to the work will be a great resource to the company. The applicant should be ensured that the duties assigned are delivered on time and also they are done to the required standards. The job will also involve directing customers to what they want, and picking telephone calls from people who might have questions about the services and products offered.

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The company is looking for a person who has the will to work and advance with the company where Tolerance is needed as the applicant will be working with different people. Shilling (2012), suggests that someone with the capability to think critically will also be able to think wider to ensure that the work gets done effectively.

Job duties

  • Maintaining professional knowledge, by showing up at the educational workshops.
  • Resolving administrative dilemmas by coordinating the preparation of reports.   
  • Maintaining and checking the stock, and also making an anticipation of needed supplies.
  •  Commitment to team work by achieving the results as needed which are towards achieving the company’s goal.
  • Ensuring the operation of equipment, calling for repairs and also maintaining the inventory of the equipment.


  • The applicant should have a Degree in Administration skills credited from a college or university.
  • Microsoft office skills.
  • One to more years of experience in administrative sphere.  

Illegal questions

  1. What is your age? The age factor should not be much considered because the anti-discrimination federal laws allow the age between fourteen and fifteen to work in a limited capacity.
  2. What religion are you? According to Clarkson et al. (2012) title VII of civil rights of 1964 allows the religious corporations to express religious preference when hiring.
  3. Do you have any disabilities? The question is viewed as discrimination because Titles 1 and V of the Americans disabilities act prohibit discrimination of people with disability in all the employment endeavors.
  4. What is your race? The query would be a race discriminatory question because the Equal employment opportunity commission protects members of a certain group selected for a job and that they should not be discriminated according to their color.
  5. What is your citizenship? An interviewer should not ask from which country you are from or make remarks on your ascent because according to anti-discrimination federal law it is illegal.
  6. Are you planning to have a family? It is unlawful to ask the interviewees whether they are married or single because this is discrimination on the basis of marital status.
  7. Have you ever been bankrupt? The questions of one’s financial status are off-limits which discrimination against one’s status.
  8. What political party do you support? It is unlawful to ask this question because the political party the applicant supports does not determine their employment status.
  9. Will you work well during your pregnancy? As for Seaquist (2012) the EEOC the pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 states that a pregnant woman should be treated, in the same way, a disabled person gets treated temporarily.
  10. Have you ever got arrested? The EEOC policy states that employers must be able to weigh various elements when making hiring decisions that include the severity of the offence.

 Legal questions

  1. What is your previous experience in managing people? According to Leiter et al (2011)   the query does not discriminate any sex as it is not gender specific
  2. Can you perform the duties stated in the advert and perform them without reasonable accommodation? This question is a fairer one because it does not discriminate the interviewee disability if any.
  3. What are you long term and short term goals? This question helps the interviewer to know the interviewee’s plans without offending them because he need to know what period the person will work in the company.
  4. Are you over the age of 18? It is not age discrimination as it does not touch on the exact age of the interviewee.
  5. Do you currently use any illegal drugs? This question if thought to be more ethical than asking whether the interviewee takes drugs that could have been prescribed drugs.
  6. Can you meet my attendance requirements?  The question according to Marson (2009) the question does not discriminate anyone according to their disability as long as they can fulfill the company’s requirement.
  7. Is it necessary for you to work overtime on occasion? It is a fair question as it does not discriminate on the family status of the interviewee as they will not have to explain if they are going  have children or not.
  8. What languages do you read or can write fluently? This question does not show any discrimination as it does not need to give an answer on the interviewee native language.
  9. What is your present address and mobile contact where we can reach you? It is not offensive as it does not require knowing the interviewee’s specific location.

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