Free «Human Resource Management» Essay Paper

Human Resource Management
  1. The Importance of HRM and the Ethical Issue in HRM

HRM is the organization’s activity aimed at the efficient use of people in order to achieve the goals of the firm. HRM involves the definition of a common strategy, the planning of needs of the organization, recruitment, selection and evaluation of staff development and training, career management, dismissal of staff, construction and organization of work as well as identification of workplaces, the content and sequence of work, working conditions, wage policy and social services, and the management of personnel costs. Organizationally, HRM covers all the employees and all the structural units of the organization, which are related to the staff. These elements explain the importance of HRM. The ethical issue of HRM is related to the personnel manager who should handle the values, rights, responsibilities, rules, and relationships of the employees.

  1. Employee Empowerment and Its Roles in a Modern Organization

Employee empowerment is the transfer of a task to the subordinate, which he or she is able to perform efficiently based on the qualifications and authority. The value of employee empowerment in the modern organization cannot be underestimated. The head of the organization should focus on the basic details of various projects without getting into the unnecessary details for efficient operations of the organization. Pedantic approach of total control leads to the excessive loss of time. It is impossible to follow for everything, and there is no manager who can accomplish all work alone. In addition, since the employees of lower echelons see problems of the organization in a soberer and fresher manner, employee empowerment in any project can significantly improve efficiency of solving any task.

  1. Types of Selection Methods

The most popular and common method used for the selection of staff is interviewing. During the process, the employer or the representative has the opportunity to get answers to questions and get a general impression about the applicant.

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The second possible method of selection is a questionnaire, which is necessary in order to obtain accurate information about the candidate, including his or her name and surname, passport details, the level of education and qualifications.

The third method is a test that allows to view not only the experience and professionalism of the candidate, but also gives an outlook of his or her mental abilities and psychological characteristics.

The fourth method is related to the assessment centers, which are used to simulate a real working situation where the candidates are invited to demonstrate their talents in an environment that is as close to the real work scenario as possible.

The fifth method is a summary, which is constituted by a contender for the vacancy. The contender discloses all the information that can serve as selection criteria to the employer.

  1. Gain Sharing and Its 9 Conditions

Gain sharing is a concept related to the financial income received by employees for the performance of specific tasks given by the employer. Gain sharing has nine terms of efficiency (Noe et al., 2014). The first one is the incorporation of the employer’s and employee’s views. The second one is a timely and competent governmental intervention in the system of gain sharing. The third concept is the regulation of relations in the productive environment. The fourth one is cooperation on the friendly and honest basis. The fifth idea is employers’ awareness of the importance of employment in the manufacturing segment. The sixth one is the translation of the production process in the most democratic and liberal spheres. The seventh concept is the implementation of promotion of interests of working resources. The eighth one is the increasing of the level of skills, knowledge, and discipline of the employees. The last idea is the prevention of the possible collapse of the manufacturing process.

  1. The Role of Training and Development in HRM

Well-trained employees are able to significantly improve the profitability of the whole organization, since in the modern business environment only the organizations with high incomes will be able to survive. Today, the leadership has come to understand the role of education in the development of employees. Incompetent workers and their unwillingness to work will affect the quality of collaboration during projects and profit in the long run. In order to achieve the full benefits of all workers, it is necessary to train them well. Staff training and its development help boost the level of profitability by improving the efficiency of teamwork, values, expertise and professionalism. In addition, during training, employees are able to develop effective communication skills required to establish good relationships with customers and partners.

  1. The Importance of Performance Managing Today

Performance management (PM) increases the predictability of the results, clarifies the relationships between the strategic, operational and financial objectives, and makes them understandable both for managers and employees, allowing them to act and not wait for the instructions from the leadership. According to Coyle-Shapiro et al. (2013), performance management allows to quantify the impact of cost planning using key performance indicators derived from the strategy maps and balanced scorecards. PM works to improve the balance between the plans and the results, constantly verifying the direction, power and pace of organizational development. It includes the creation of powerful combinations through the incorporation of software, such as business intelligence, into the main production processes. In case PM is used properly, it can generate the general logic of the organization, which may be guided by its trading partners. Universal maximization cannot be equated to the optimization, because it is its component. Thus, optimization recognizes the problems and performance management facilitates the resolution of conflicts.

  1. The Skills of an HRM Professional and Employee Rights

HR manager is a specialist who is in charge of the formation of human resources in the organization. Like all other employees, HR manager should possess particular professional skills. According to Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright (2012), the basic skills of such employee include the knowledge of labor laws, basic knowledge of sociology and psychology, staffing documentation awareness, knowledge of basic paperwork and safety standards, business communication skills, competent English, familiarity with the fundamentals of a market economy, possession of modern methods of personnel evaluation and regulation, ability to correctly read the summary, knowledge of existing tests that validate candidates and their effectiveness, ability to assess the competencies of the candidate, knowledge of modern concepts of human resource management, knowledge of the general objectives of the organization and direction of personnel policy, organizational skills and time management.

  1. The Role of Changing Management Leadership?

The changes often begin and develop successfully if the organization is headed by the director with relevant leadership skills who understands the need for transformation. Changing management has a number of impacts. Firstly, the change management expert develops the strategy and plans the change. The second role is imposed on the senior management who runs and sponsors changes. The third type of impact comes the middle managers and supervisors who generate reports during the process of change. The fourth impact group is the project team who runs the technical side of the project. The last responsibility is laid upon the team who supports the project, which is in its turn supported by various initiatives and activities.

  1. Functions of HR Department and Hazards that Should Be Addressed by HR?

The main function of HR department is, first of all, the identification of the needs of personnel recruitment in the organization together with the heads of departments. Moreover, analysis of the turnover along with strategies to combat high levels of turnover are prioritized. Preparation of organizational staffing strategies, clearance of personnel’s files, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of workers, complex operations with employment records (receipt, delivery, filling and storage of documents), maintenance of holidays records in accordance with applicable labor legislation, organization of appraisal, preparation of career personnel movement plans and training are some of the additional responsibilities.

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The risks that may affect personnel in the workplace which should be considered by HR are the life and health of employees, their goodwill, communication among the departments, personal income and personal freedoms, as well as the preservation and development of unique personal characteristics of each employee.

  1. Types of Recruitment in Modern Organizations

Recruitment at the request is one of the most common types of employment. According to this strategy, the employer has the ability to terminate the employment contract with the employee at any time for any reason. Another type of recruitment is employment for a life. It is assumed that the employee will work in the organization for a significant period of time. For example, it is a common approach in Japan, where special corporate culture has been formed. There is also internal type of hiring, which is based on the search for manpower within the company, as well as an external approach, which allows to search for an employee in the labor market, or headhunt.

  1. Importance and Advantages of Performance Appraisal

Generally, the main task of the personnel appraisal is the assessment of the level of compliance with labor and quality standards as well as the potential of an individual with the requirements of the performed activities. However, such an assessment is carried out not for the sake of evaluation. It is held in order to make the right decision with respect to the promotion of human resources, punishment, or training of employees.

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The main benefit of personnel appraisal is the freedom that workers enjoy when expressing themselves in different situations. Additionally, workers can directly compare their competitive advantage with other employees. With certification, participants receive expert feedback. At the same time, the employees of the company can also provide recommendations on possible improvements. As a result, the whole organization may be adjusted.

  1. The Importance of Job Analysis to HR Managers

There is no doubt that the analysis of the job is one of the most powerful tools for each HR manager. It makes it possible to identify the causes of events in order to determine the original source of the problem and identify the real state of affairs in the organization, as well as to forecast possible future scenarios. Through such analysis, HR manager sees the situation well. However, this evaluation should always be as objective as possible. Otherwise, the staff turnover is possible is likely to spike, causing unqualified staff with wrong motivation to flood the firm. All of these factors, of course, may affect the organization adversely.

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