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This report is presented to IBEK Ltd Company. The company is an SME company that supplies auto parts in the motor industry. The company has a small warehouse, which also accommodates the workers offices. The company supplies its goods and services both locally, nationally, and internationally. There is a rapid increase in the number of customers that buy its goods and services. This is a clear indication that the demand for its goods is rapidly increasing. There is a plan by IBEK Company to increase the size of its warehouse from 25,000 square meters to 35,000 square meters. It is an analysis of the expansion of the project management of the organization. This report focuses on different areas of the proposed project. It outlines the approach that I propose to be used to complete the project in an efficient manner. It majorly examines how the project management will enable IBEK Ltd to expand and satisfy the growing demand for its goods and services (Lewis, 2000).
I will look at the expansion of IBEK warehouse and the offices. This is majorly aimed at accommodating the rapidly expanding global markets and steadily rising demand for the company’s goods and services. The relevant project management tools will be used to present recommendations to IBEK. This will allow for the smooth and efficient expansion of the warehouse. I will use the management theories to explain and compare it with the situation I am handling. The second part is the recommendation and conclusion sections. These two sections will incorporate my own findings.
Project management is the core unit of consideration when matters pertaining to an effective and timely expansion of an organization are concerned. This is the unit that gives an organization a chance to save time, money, and manpower. The company under analysis has a warehouse which seems not to serve its customers well. The warehouse, which is only 25,000 square meters, also acts as an office to some employees of the company. As per now, the company has plans to expand its warehouse to an extent that it can accommodate the employees needed to satisfy the increased demand for its products. The staff offices and infrastructures are on the same plan as well. Based on the timeframe and urgency of the plan, the project management skills to accelerate the job and also for perfection will be used. The task of a project manager is to assess the feasibility of the project as well as the prolife cycle and to discuss the importance of the project teams and the project manager in the implementation of the project (Kwak, 2005).
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Project Feasibility Study:
This is always a determinant of whether a project can proceed or not. Feasibility enables the manager and the project team to understand the timeframe and budget and what is to be done in that line. Project feasibility study involves examining the current state of an organization and then setting alternative measures to better it. Therefore, this is considered the most important stage of this report. The pros and cons of the alternative are also taken into consideration. The process is investigative; hence, it provides new and fresh ideas which were not known. The feasibility study helps investors and management to understand whether it is worth continuing funding (Marsh, 1975).
From the above discussion, it becomes clear that the feasibility study is a key to all projects. The main objective of my report is to expand the warehouse in order to manage the demand. With the current rate of the company’s sells, it is true that the expansion of the company warehouse will increase its sells and production. The main consideration is the increasing demand for the IBEK Ltd products, the time to be taken, an the efficiency of the team in the new premises. A proposal is that a half or a quarter of the workers in the old warehouse should be transferred to the new warehouse. This should be done to ensure a smooth start as the workers from the old warehouse are more experienced. It is advisable for IBEK to expand its warehouse and offices to curb the increasing demand. The brief feasibility study suggests that this is the right way to achieve success (Harrison & Lock, 2004).
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This is the part that allows the project to be divided into phases to facilitate the work of management. Having a clear model of this cycle, the management will be able to concentrate on key areas and set milestones. This provides transparency to the whole work. First and foremost is the concept phase. This defines the purpose of the project. The objectives are clearly stated. In my case, the purpose of the project is to ensure that IBEK expands its warehouse to cater for an increasing demand from its customers. The new warehouse should be larger than the current one but similar in features (Dinsmore & Cooke-Davies, 2005).
Planning is the second part of the lifecycle. It focuses on the financial budget, timelines, risks, and all the factors that will ensure the project goes on smoothly. All the details are finalized at this stage before they are executed. In this case, IBEK Ltd’s next stage is to look at its budget allocations made to the project. Then, the relevant areas which should be considered for expansion in the warehouse should be analyzed. The third stage is an actual execution of the project. At this point when the plans are in motion, effective project management techniques are needed to run the teams. Therefore, IBEK being an SME should have an effective project manager to reduce the risk of mismanagement and allow a smooth transition (Stevens, 2002).
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The final stage is the termination stage. It is done after a full completion of the plan. The final tasks are completed and all deliverables are given to the clients. It is the final stage of the lifecycle. From this point IBEK will do a post-project analysis to evaluate whether the objectives have been achieved. They can then assess the pros and cons and think how to improve the plan. This is the point where the manager and the other stakeholders can draw up their conclusions depending on the post-project analysis. These four phases of lifecycle are not the only solution. The cycles do not suit all projects and will vary from one industry to another (Becker, Kugeler, & Rosemann, 2003).
Dedication and efficiency of the project managers determine the level of success of the project being undertaken. Their roles are the most important and, if they are effective, all the rest will just fit in the right place. They coordinate, communicate, and lead project teams. Their main aims are effective planning, executing, and terminating of the project. A manager looks at a project from a general perspective. His or her work is to run the project effectively. He or she appoints and collaborates with everyone involved with the project in any way. He discusses the progress and implementation of the project with the stakeholders.
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The project manager should have all the necessary skills and qualities to effectively manage a project. The key qualities are the effective leadership and communication skills. The good communication skills should be blended with good decision making skills. Other skills like effective listening skills will enable the manager to understand some problems seen by other people (Ireland, 2006).
Another role of a manager is to ensure that the activities are well taken care of. The manager will hire people to work. This includes both skilled labor and unskilled labor. The manager should also ensure an environment which is conducive for both the work. This is one of the ways of ensuring success of the whole project. The manager ensures that the stakeholders are convinced to be able to fund the project.
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A project manager should be able to bring people together in a team. This will promote effective group work. This also requires good leadership and communication skills. The results of work done by this group are always excellent as they help each other. Cohesive working also accelerates the project. When there is a good relationship between the manager and the workers, the workers tend to enjoy their work. This will ensure a low turnover rate and more people will be willing to join the project (Phillips, 2003).
IBEK Ltd will need a manager will effectively coordinate all the phases of the project. The company should ensure that it has a good manager as success of the project depends on his/her efficiency. IBEK should make sure that a project manager plays the required role in all the spheres of the project for a smooth and effective expansion of IBEK (Kerzner, 2003).
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Thus, a successful implantation of a project highly depends on the efficiency of a project manager. Project management has several phases. Each project or plan should be at first analyzed and assessed. A feasibility study is a key stage. Thus, at IBEK Ltd, a full feasibility study should be done. This will better the understanding of the outcomes and alternatives to the project proposal at hand. The lifecycle of this project has been divided using four stage approaches. This facilitates the assessment and implementation of the project by the managers and the management (client and stakeholders).
It is, therefore, important for IBEK organization to understand that having the right person as a project manager is a key to success, timely and effective implementation of the project. This will allow the organization to improve its current state by investigating alternatives to the current procedures. The project manager should be enough skillful and qualified.
From my findings in line with the report, it follows that companies should be in a position to expand their infrastructure. This is mostly when the rate of customers starts rising or when the demand is increasing. The infrastructure development helps the company to deal with a rising demand. This also helps for a company to prosper faster as it can also employ more workers as there is enough space.
Generally, it can be viewed that the project management requires an extensive analysis and different roles at different phases. It is beyond the scope of this report to cover all different perspectives, but it gives an initial insight into the implementation of the new warehouse. The following are the recommendations with which I come up after the analysis carried out:
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- First of all, the timelines and budget should be defined.
- The stakeholders should be informed at every stage.
- Project management tools should be used for effective project results. These include team management and coordination within the team by the manager.
- A post project study should be conducted once the project is over and the feedback should be taken into account to improve the project when needed.
- The project should be divided into four main cycles, each segment having a milestone within.
- Project terms and areas of expertise should be defined and a Gantt chart to see the timeline of the project should be developed.
- An extensive feasibility study should be conducted.
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