Free «Curriculum: From Theory to Practice» Essay Paper

Curriculum: From Theory to Practice

After reading the book, “Curriculum: From theory to practice”, and specifically chapter 5 on Pragmatic Curriculum, I realize that I cannot aim to the pragmatic hypothesis in support of another only to generate and rationalize a broader prospectus, because in that case I would still be oriented by pragmatism, just that I have altered the planned objective from practiced need to academic extent. Here I recognize that the pragmatic premise fails to inform us about which end result or goal to opt for. It is selected by another further normal or even illogically. Hence subsequently, it cannot offer a lucid rationalization for our selection. Numerous schools have employed specific fragments of the philosophy; however, many exploit it without thinking. The majority of people were concerned in employing the realistic aspects than emphasizing its values. Pragmatism as a learning principle fails to earn the agreement and consent of everyone. I think it is extremely unclear and indistinct. After reading the chapter on Pragmatic Curriculum, I tend to feel that this philosophy does not best depict our teaching lifestyles. This philosophy is hard to acquire because it somehow steers clear from end results and goal-oriented philosophies and avoid definite answers, and thus, from my perspective, goal-oriented people succeed massively in life. In my opinion, we cannot always distance ourselves from tradition, and in order to enhance the educational processes and keep schools operating effectively, we should teach our students to be goal-oriented and visualize the end results of any process before embarking on its implementation. Nevertheless, I do not strictly oppose pragmatism, but prefer to incorporate it with other notions that encourage goal-oriented philosophies.

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