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Cloud computing provides shared processing data and resources to different devices in order to get access to networks, storage, servers, services, and applications with minimal efforts. Existing findings suggest that the cloud can take different shapes that allow users to organize different levels of management, flexibility, and control (Kris, 2012). Therefore, different shapes may be represented as infrastructure, platform, software, and deployment strategies. Shapes are configured to the desires and needs of every individual user with a global-scaled and a single unified architecture. The shapes of clouds are abstractions that depend on applications from the hardware.
Firstly, the lowest level of clouds is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which allows users to buy access to raw computing hardware, such as storage or servers. One of the simplest examples of IaaS is ordinary web hosting, where a user can pay a monthly subscription. The second level is Software as a Service (SaaS), which does not require expensive software maintenance or professional experts to install hardware. It works from any device and allows users to pay only for the time that they spend in the Internet. The third level is Platform as a Service (PaaS), which gives users operating systems, development tools, and database management systems that help them develop and deploy different projects. The final level of clouds exists in the form of the whole infrastructure of large corporate computer networks.
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Some of the most popular storages of cloud technologies are Dropbox, Google Drive, Yandex Drive, Google Translate, and Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Dropbox was the first cloud storage of personal files that offered 2GB disk space and created a special folder available to the Internet connection. It was automatically synchronized with the cloud server. Furthermore, Google Drive works in conjunction with the postal service Gmail and Google+ social network.
The cloud makes sense when it provides the disk space in the Internet where users can store any file and access it anytime and anywhere. It resembles a personal USB flash drive or a hard drive that are located in the Internet. This is a service with a remote control that gives users the computing power and data storage with pay in accordance with their use. Actually, most people do not realize the benefits of cloud computing. However, nobody can imagine internet services without Google search, which can give any desired information, or Google translate, which allows businessmen to communicate with their partners all over the world. Furthermore, cloud computing gives a perfect opportunity to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and much more using web-based software. All documents are stored remotely, and users can access them in any place from an internet-connected computer. The best feature of cloud services is that they are available on demand and based on a “pay-as-you go” subscription (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016).
Although most industries recognize that cloud computing helps transform business technology, the cloud is a third-party service. For example, if a person stores important photos, documents, family archives, etc., it will be better to make a cloud backup copy of one’s personal files. It is recommended to have a backup not only in the cloud, but also on an external hard disk or even on a flash drive. Sometimes, cloud computing services are more expensive in the long-term than software. Therefore, some users prefer purchasing software that allows, for example, sending emails or writing a report through the Internet connection. Moreover, buying cloud services, users can receive only what providers are offering, which restricts other options. The findings reveal that cloud computing does not always meet users’ needs because these services depend on their suppliers, who can stop supporting a product in any time (Kavis, 2014).
Virtualization is the ability of one computer to do operations of several computers due to the distribution of its resources across multiple environments. Virtual servers and PCs can put multiple operational systems in a single location (Kavis, 2014). As a result, geographical and physical constrains disappear. Virtual infrastructure provides a high level of security, optimum use of hardware recourses, and a more efficient way of management system. Virtualization is also useful for improving a recovery system in critical situations. Virtualization is designed to abstract the software from the hardware. In computer technology, the concept of “virtualization” refers to the abstraction of computer resources and provides users with a convenient representation of an object (Kris, 2012).
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There are different advantages of virtualization. Firstly, it allows users to save energy because one server can be used at 50-70 percent of its capacity instead of several servers that are 5-10 percent loaded (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). Secondly, virtualization reduces infrastructure costs due to the smaller number of servers, IT hardware, and cheaper maintenance. Thirdly, it lowers software costs. For instance, buying one license for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, organizations can use it at one physical server and four virtual at the same time. Furthermore, virtualization offers a new method of managing IT infrastructure and allows IT administrators to spend less time on repetitive tasks such as monitoring, configuration, initiation, and maintenance.
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However, there are some disadvantages of virtualization. First of all, it is rather expensive depending on services the user chooses. Secondly, its complexity prevents many users from doing simple operations, especially out of security concerns. Thirdly, in cases of disaster, the damage to the hardware in one location may lead to considerable down time. Furthermore, it is impossible to move a virtual machine without moving hardware keys. Lastly, add-on hardware is not always available on other virtual machines, and it should be tested before being deployed.
SWOT and the six forces model are used in strategic planning that help assess the company’s strengths and weaknesses. SWOT focuses on specific elements of a company while the six forces model is used to assess an industry, identifying structural drivers of competition and profitability (Andersen, 2013). SWOT analyses the company’s current position in relation to its opportunities and possible threats. As a rule, the company’s management designs a table that involves main points of every four SWOT categories. Thus, leaders evaluate strengths and weaknesses in relation to competitors’ operations. When they identify threats and opportunities, they brainstorm future directions or steps.
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According to the research, one of the major differences between the two models is that SWOT represents a general assessment while the six forces model assesses a particular service, product or industry (Andersen, 2013). Moreover, it focuses on a single decision. Managers must start with SWOT, drawing a picture of the current position in the market environment, and then plan further strategic decisions. The six forces model allows managers to consider six major forces during the development of a corporate strategy, determining its overall attractiveness. It is also often utilized as a planning tool in the assessment of the market. Importantly, the six forces model provides an important insight into the creation of a supplier network and pricing models, and identifying competitive advantages in different areas of business.
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SWOT offers the information of one’s position and business in the marketplace while the six forces model works as a tool to analyze potential competitors and their influence on one’s business. Considering time-orientation, SWOT and Six Forces also have slight differences: The former identifies both current position and further endeavors while the latter is focused on future decisions.
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